Collection Quality Mark

At coeo Incasso, we want to perform the process of collection files for our customers and their clients in accordance with all quality standards.

NVI & Collection Quality Mark

In addition to meeting all the legal requirements to provide debt collection services in Belgium, coeo Incasso is also a member of the Dutch Association of Certified Debt Collection Agencies (NVI). The NVI is the branch organisation of and for debt collection agencies. As a member, we must then comply with the guidelines of the Incasso Keurmerk  (Collection Quality Mark).

The Collection Quality Mark makes sure collection agencies work in accordance with the criteria of the quality mark. These are written rules and standards that certified collection agencies have to follow. It indicates what we can, have and must do when executing collection activities. This involves a periodic review by an external audit committee of the independent Institute of the Quality mark (Keurmerkinstituut).

Above all, coeo Incasso stands for Socially Responsible Debt Collection. We treat your client with respect. We collect the debt at the lowest possible cost, with the option of payment in instalments. We try to avoid high legal costs as much as possible.


In addition, coeo Incasso has an internal Compliance Department that ensures that all activities take place in accordance with the NVI code of conduct and in compliance with the law.


coeo Incasso takes your privacy seriously and processes and uses your information in a way the integrity of your information is guaranteed as much as possible. With the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we realise privacy rights have become more important than ever before. Please view our Privacy Statement for more information about our privacy policy.

Should you have questions about our privacy policy or have a request to view your personal data, you can also contact our Data Protection Officer by sending an email to